The most effective home remedies for the treatment of the power

Even the most small kiosks pharmaceutical kiosk now offers several means for increasing the power. But a growing number of men who are concerned about your health, stop your choice on the treatment of the power of remedies. Often they are, the media are more effective in the treatment of different diseases. And less when it comes to the main thing, of the male power, I want full result and, preferably, quickly.

home remedies

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is her diagnosis. Don't be discouraged, you're not the first, so to speak. Typically, this is diagnosed in men over the age of 50 years, but young people are faced with similar problems.

The healers, herbalists in the first place, in the treatment of impotence takes into account various aspects of your life. In that call? The first is your psychological state. To the extent it is quiet in these circumstances, the presence of the wise, philosophical relationship to its android foundation. After all, not always, not always high-powered male sign foundation. The second is the age, the ageing, which are manifested physical of the violation (van, and I'm not going to list).

There are a large number of plant products that help to deal with your illness. If you combine different methods of treatment, quick and effective way of returning the loss of virility. Note! Only a comprehensive approach will help you to deal with the problem of the descent of the power. And it is necessary to start with the lifestyle changes. Try to at least at the time of treatment! And suddenly you will like it, and these changes delay forever.

The 10 commandments of the wise healer

  1. Stop smoking! Even if you think that you smoke a little. Even if only for the company", or only "stress".
  2. Do not overdo it with the alcohol. It is not necessary to throw away "once and for always the has tied". Moderately.
  3. Reduce the weight!
  4. Control your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  5. Limit your consumption of animal fats in the diet. It is desirable to break with the pork. That she is "in great feasts of the church."
  6. Do exercise, your body will tell you thank you! Types of games – basketball, volleyball. The bike. Swimming.
  7. It is time to leave for the steering wheel! On the possibility of walking. It is desirable to 5 km per day. It is desirable to quickly.
  8. Fruits and berries – here is your dessert. The excess of sweets (candies-chocolate more palm oil), refined sugars, artificial additives, causing a hard blow to her power.
  9. Exercise the muscles of the pelvic floor. The yoga!
  10. Regularly, have sex! REGULARLY!
the treatment of the power

The notice of problems with erection, they immediately proceed to the treatment. To do this, it can and should be to use remedies. Why remedies? Sometimes, it is precisely of the home remedies more effective in the treatment of the power. And how, in his opinion, dealt with your grandparents? Or you think that one hundred years ago, men did not suffer from a reduction of the power? Yes it is good! Always were, you're not the first. And were treated with success without chemistry and tablets!

The treatment of the

In general, everything is simple. Herbal teas, tinctures, balms. Before you choose a recipe personally read carefully the following rules.

  1. Please, have patience! The snapshot will not have a result. Two days and even a week will not have a result. And when will it be? Pass at least one course. A grandmother-herbalist told me to "wise": the god of patience rewarded doubly. It has proven itself. It works. And even if you are going to go the other way, it's going to take pills, vitamins, bioaadidura is the result of so it will only come through a certain period of time.
  2. Exactly, follow all the recommendations of the healers. It is a guarantee of success. It will be the result!
  3. In addition, it must cure any related illness, if there are any. Precisely, the chronic diseases can be the cause of disorders of sexual potency.


The herbal teas. Proven! The most effective home remedies for the treatment of sexual potency in men.
I'm not going to write lists of recipes, many of them in special fonts. I'm going to write about the results. The recipes of the crowd. In almost all the same set of herbs. And every recipe works. I prepared only those who prepare quickly. Pay attention to the beer in a thermos. This is useful to you.

  • The tincture of the root of the galangal. Super! Especially effective for the treatment of sexual potency in men. The Galangal – it's a miracle-the root! Contains unique substances that help the blood circulation in the genitals of men and increase the production of sperm. Kalgan were effectively treated by the impotence of our ancestors. It is also called "men of power". Proven! Improves erection, contributes to the prolonged erection.
    I recommend the tincture of alcohol.
  • The tincture of lemon grass. It is ideal for the mature men. It is in this category of men sexual impotence appears as a result of the changes of age. It would be good to prepare the tincture of alcohol, lemon grass

Why I recommend these recipes, since different sites hundreds of all kinds? In the first place, you have to check. These recipes work. Are the most effective. In the second place, quick to prepare, easy to find the necessary ingredients, sold in any pharmacy. In the third place, it is convenient to take. The thermos you can take with you on the way to work. The tincture can be poured into a convenient small packaging and also to bring with you if it is necessary to accept 3-4 times a day, and you are not at home. Personally, I found it convenient.

  • The tincture of the root of the radiograms pink. It is also called "Golden root". Proven! The root, in fact, "gold"!
    It is important to know: this tincture is necessary to take the pumpkin from the seeds. This optional product stimulates the activity of the sex glands in men. In addition, the pumpkin seed is an excellent tool for the treatment of prostatitis and in its prevention. And very often the prostatitis is a fellow of the disease and the cause of the impotence.
  • The carnation. It is necessary to write that word, all letters have been capitalized. The CARNATION!
    I'll tell you how to make the body male sexual sign, if there is not enough sexual energy (that is to say, if this is the initial phase of impotence). I took a tablespoon of cloves, and the water poured into a glass of hot milk, he insisted on 2 hours, it has strained and has participated in the morning and at night. By the way, refused coffee and tea is this dye your replacing.

Effectively complies with impotence, increases the assigned amount of sperm. BUT! There is a BUT! The milk. You don't like the milk? Do not transport, you have an allergy? Then for you the following recipe.

  • HONEY! It is delicious! It is 100% efficient of the popular tool for the treatment of sexual potency in men.
  1. Recipe no. 1.
    Bee royal jelly. There is in industrial production and is sold in the pharmacy.
  2. Recipe no. 2.
    The honey balm. Ways to cook a lot. Everywhere the same: the honey, the scarlet and the wine.
    By the way, this tool is well strengthens the immune system in general. And tasty!

Practical advice. As I have done.

  1. The extract of siberian ginseng. Easy! It is sold in the pharmacy, there can be read, and instruction. The effect of awesome! Stimulates the function of the sex glands, have reinforced the action on the immune system, improves mental alertness and physical work capacity. BUT! If you have an increased pressure, this medication is not suitable.
  2. Pumpkin seeds with me always and everywhere! I take advantage of these seeds now, any tincture. I had consulted with the doctor. The truth is that if? Cure the pumpkin seeds prostatitis? The doctor said that prevention is very helpful.
  3. Personally, for me, was difficult to bear this out: half an hour before meals, for about twenty minutes before the meal. Has arrived from work, I want to say, and then expect it to need. I've gotten used to carrying a small kiosks pharmacists in jars (under any doctor of the tincture) in the pocket. On the way home, approximately, by calculating the time, I took the "eye" of a sip of the infusion, and then not having to wait.
  4. In the preparation of dyes it is necessary to take only the quality of vodka. Save not worth. On cleaning cloths with alcohol spirits: how to be, if you at the wheel? Keep in mind that the single dose of tincture on all parties, in all of the recipes – the floor of the spoon, a teaspoon. Calculate per thousand of alcohol in this portion is almost impossible.
  5. The root of the galangal I bought the muzhik in the market. Already dried and chopped finely. Expensive, but well worth it. And you can buy in the pharmacy.
  6. The first question where to get the ingredients? I bought it at the pharmacy, and in the market. Seen grandmothers, and they gave me, and recipes, by advising the best way to do one or the other herb.
  7. GINSENG. And all the letters of that word in capital letters. And just. The leader! Titan! You can write the saga and the novel, then remove the anime of one hundred and twenty and seven of the series on the utility of this plant for the treatment of the power. I have come to a conclusion: not worth buying unwinding marks – loss of money in the content of the sellers in the sale of businesses. Today in the Russian market a lot of different media that include ginseng. Consulted on personal experience: don't need them, there are the special of the dye or medications. Quite normal of tincture of ginseng. The effect is the same.
the grass

As a conclusion to this article, I'll answer the question: why these recipes I have chosen from the extensive list of the proposal in different sources.

  1. The availability of the ingredients. Quick and easy to prepare.
  2. It does not have side effects.
  3. Even if you make an overdose – the effects of virtually minimal. This is because the antibiotics, this is not intravenous injections.
  4. It is convenient to take: in the morning and at night, when you get home. And even if 3 times a day, it is convenient to carry.

All these herbal teas and alcohol tinctures are applied effectively and most importantly, affect beneficially on the intestinal tract and have reinforced the action on the immune system.

Live a full life and be healthy!